
Notice 3001 Prevention of Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (for both Money-Changing & Remittance Licensees)
MAS July 2014
Anti-money laundering and financing of terrorism has become the latest buzzword. The Monetary Authority of Singapore has released consultation papers on the Notices to ramp up its efforts in its fight against money laundering and terrorism financing, drawing reference from the international best practices of the Financial Action Task Force.

Second Reading Speech By SMS Mrs Josephine Teo On The Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (Amendment) Bill 2014
Senior Minister of State for Finance Mrs Josephine Teo April 2014
Senior Minister of State for Finance Mrs Josephine Teo delivered the second reading speech on 14 April 2014 at the Parliament.
The key amendments impose increased requirements on registered filing agents / corporate service providers.

National Day Rally
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong August 2014
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong outlines the Singapore Government's policies and priorities in his National Day Rally Speech held at ITE College Central on 17 August 2014.
Besides presenting the new Pioneer Generation Package, his assurance in retirement via the extension of the HDB Lease Buyback Scheme, the Silver Support Scheme and the announcement on CPF savings withdrawal, subject to limits, at 65 by Singaporeans has garnered widespread support.